April 30, 2024

Virginia House Ulverston

Home Improvement Ideas

Hosting Holiday Gatherings at Home – Tips for Decorating and Entertaining at Home

Hosting holiday gatherings at home can be an excellent opportunity to showcase your space, while practicing some tips from Emily Post’s Etiquette Guide.

When hosting overnight guests, make sure they feel welcome by making preparations for their sleeping arrangements early on. Rearranging furniture or placing a bedside lamp are two easy ways to create an inviting environment and ensure their stay is comfortable and welcoming.

Make a List

No matter if it’s for cocktails with friends or Christmas dinner with extended family, it is always helpful to create a list of tasks ahead of time to allow you to focus on more important issues, like building relationships with guests and enjoying festivities.

Start by taking stock of what is already in your possession – whether that be old items from past holidays, or making the most of your space with color coordinated pillows and rugs to achieve an effective holiday aesthetic.

Your budget depends on the size and opulence of your gathering; therefore, you’ll likely require budgeting for specific elements like food, drinks and decorations. Cutting costs by shopping around, using what you already have or recruiting help can make all the difference when planning an event within budget. Setting savings goals to stay within your price range while leaving enough for unexpected surprises will keep your costs manageable.

Set the Scene

No matter the occasion, celebrating holidays can only be enhanced with good food and company. Make this year’s gatherings even more special by setting the right ambience with simple decor tricks!

Add greenery to your table decorations quickly and effortlessly for an instant upgrade in decor. A sprig of eucalyptus in a simple bud vase or simply placing candles around the table will create a warm, inviting environment which your guests will surely appreciate.

If your guest list is large, consider opting for buffet-style seating rather than seating them all at one table. This allows your guests to mingle freely while still having a central location for eating and socializing – something homes by Taber floor plans specifically promote with their open living spaces that open into desirable outdoor space.

Prepare the Food

Food preparation should not become overwhelming; rather, consider cutting back by creating just enough recipes to meet everyone’s needs and saving both time and money in the process. You could also ask guests to bring items that can reduce party costs further.

Many recipes, like dips and salads, can be prepared ahead of time and stored in plastic until party day arrives. Filling serving dishes ahead of time helps minimize work on party day itself.

An interactive cupcake station can keep kids happy and engaged — not to mention adults! A fun festive touch could include wrapping chairs in wide ribbon, adding mini bells or holly leaves as decorations, or even tying wreaths around each chair back – these small touches add significant impact!

Have Fun

Planning can easily become stressful, but remember that parties should be fun! By being prepared in advance and remaining calm when guests arrive, you can enjoy these gatherings more frequently without feeling pressured into stressing yourself out too much.

No matter if you use an existing playlist or compose an entirely new one for an event, music sets the mood. Select songs with festive, upbeat themes to get people dancing and socializing while soft instrumental background music can help to create an intimate setting.

As your guests arrive, be sure to prepare some small gifts that can be given as thank you gifts or just extra-goodwill gestures. By having these ready in advance, it will save time at the last minute while making sure each guest leaves with something to remember the evening by; such as wine bottles or fun shooters.

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